If I Could Just Pick A Major…

Greetings, squadlings, and apologies for the lack of posts these past two weeks.

I have officially wrapped up my first year of college! I finished finals last Thursday…then ended up in the hospital on Sunday. Vertigo is not fun, children.

So, yes, I am officially a college sophomore. Yeehaw. That being said, I am officially a college sophomore who has no idea what the hell she wants to do with her life. 

I have yet to declare a major, and quite frankly, I am nowhere near close to declaring a major. I have no idea what I’m doing with my life.

I’m 19 years old, and I’m currently stuck between two majors: Journalism, and Communication-Sciences and Disorders. Journalism, because duh, and CSD because…well, it’s interesting. I debated becoming a Veterinary Technician, or even a Veterinarian, for a while, until I realized I’m waaay too unintelligent for such a thing.

Journalism seems pretty easy; loads of Humanities courses and a few social sciences. I like those kind of courses. CSD seems interesting, except for INTRODUCTION TO FREAKIN’ NEUROSCIENCE. NO THANK YOU. (Except my brother’s girlfriend is a Neuroscience major, because both she and my brother are superhuman genius monkeys, so I could ask her for help…)

If anyone reading this has struggled with picking a major, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, HELP ME.



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