Welcome to Adulting

Greetings, squadlings!

I’m sorry for the lack of posts the last few weeks. I finally wrapped up finals this past week.

Yes, I’ve officially finished my first semester at a four-year university. It’s very different from community college. The classes are a lot bigger, so it’s harder to get one-on-one time with a teacher if you’re struggling. Essentially, it was exactly what I expected it to be. So far, I’ve got two semester grades in: a B and a B-. I’ll take it.

With the end of the semester, that means one thing: I turned 20.

I’m officially no longer a teenager, which means I have to start adulting. No thank you.

The most adulty thing I’ve done in my life was booking my own flight and flying by myself when I went to Washington D.C. this past April. That’s it. I do not know how, nor do I want, to adult.

If you don’t know what adulting is, it’s basically being an adult. At school, though my friends and I are all legal adults, we said that our hall director was the “adultiest adult”, who we could go to if we needed help with something. For example, I had some roommate issues this semester (don’t ask), and though my roommate and I were both adults, we went to our hall director because she was a real adult and we are adults in training.

That being said, I don’t have much else to give you with this post. My life is pretty boring.

I will update as I do things this summer.

Until we meet again, squadlings.