What I’ve Been Doing

Greetings, squadlings!

Let me just start off this post by saying I’M SORRY that I haven’t been posting this summer. The truth of the matter is, I have nothing to write about.

I got home from school on May 19th. It’s now July 30th, and I have done absolutely nothing all summer. I mean, I could write about sitting around playing video games and watching bad X Factor UK auditions all day, if that’s what you want to hear.

I applied for a ton of jobs back home, and no one hired me. I applied for ONE JOB back at school, and got it. I’m going to be working the front desk of my apartment building. Hip hip hooray. Because of that, I have to move up to school earlier than originally planned, which I am not very happy about. But hey, at least I’ll be making money.

Am I excited to go back to school? The school portion, no. But I love my campus and my friends up there, and since I’ll be living with random roommates, I’ll be making new friends. The homework, late night study sessions, and being three hours from home parts are going to suck, though.

The most exciting update I can give you at this point is that my friend and I both got food poisoning this past week. That’s literally the extent of my summer.

I’ll try to post more as back-to-school time comes around. Until then, don’t expect much from me…

Good day, squadlings.