Am I Really Engaged?

Greetings, squadlings!

Back in September, I announced on my social media that I was engaged. To whom, seeing as I’ve never had a boyfriend, is a question that has been asked quite often since then. The answer is this: Isaac.

Isaac is, and has been, my best friend since my senior year of high school. Isaac is a year younger than me (specifically, 364 days), and was a junior who had just transferred to our high school when we met. We hit it off right away, and along with our friend Sara, had our own little trio of best friends.

As college has rolled along, Isaac and I (and Sara) have stayed in touch. Seeing as I go home every weekend, most Fridays, Saturdays, and occasionally Sundays, are spent with Isaac, who goes to my former community college back in my hometown. My dog knows him as “Daddy.” ANYWAY…

Isaac and I recently decided to, yes, get married. Here’s the catch, though: Isaac is gay. 

Yes, he’s out, don’t worry, I’m not outing him on a blog post. But, because of that, a question people have repeatedly asked me, especially when I refer to Isaac as my fiancé, is, “wait, are you serious?” The answer to that question, squadlings, is this: Yes, we are 100% serious.

I have no intention of ever getting married. Being 20 years old and never having been in a relationship, it’s not something I plan on, nor look forward to. I can’t see myself being married. EVER. I have nothing against people who get married, I don’t really care what other people do. It’s not for me.

That, of course, brings in Isaac.

Isaac has had boyfriends over the years, sure. So, Isaac and I made a deal:

If Isaac is not married or in a serious/committed relationship by May 9th, 2028, two days after his 30th birthday, he and I are getting married. 

We’re dead set on this. So, to answer the questions I have been repeatedly getting since Isaac and I announced said engagement, YES, I AM REALLY ENGAGED. YES, TO ISAAC.

If Isaac finds someone better than me, which, to be honest, probably won’t be very hard, our wedding is off. If he doesn’t, we’re getting married. Simple as that.

Isaac is the love of my life, and we are very happy together. All our invited to our wedding at Taco Bell in Albuquerque, New Mexico on May 9th, 2028.

Be well, squadlings.


Enjoy our official engagement portraits:







And Now We Wait. And Wait. And Wait.

Greetings, squadlings.

As you know, I applied to the university back in my hometown. I’m sad about the thought of leaving my current university, but eager to find out if I’ve been accepted back home.


If you know me, you know I am the most impatient person in the world. That is why I pack for a trip three weeks in advance. I DON’T WANT TO WAIT UNTIL DECEMBER.


Honestly, I don’t think I’ll get into the university back home anyway, but either way, I don’t want to wait until December to find out.

My current university sent me an acceptance six days after I applied. I applied to the university back home two days ago, and I’m already impatient as all hell.


THEY HAVEN’T EVEN SENT ME AN EMAIL CONFIRMING THEY GOT MY APPLICATION YET. They’ve emailed me confirming they received my transcripts, but not my application. OKAY.

So, yes, now we will have to sit and wait for the next two-and-a-half months to see if I got in or not.

Wish me luck, squadlings!

Well…That Happened.

Greetings, squadlings.

Yes, it’s 10:30PM on a Monday. Don’t judge me.

It happened, kids: I’ve officially applied to the school back in my hometown. I sent in my transcripts about five minutes ago.

I don’t really know how I feel right now. I’m definitely sad. I love my current school. I don’t want to leave, but I do. I know that doesn’t make sense.

I also feel like a complete and utter failure.

I worked my ass off to get to my current school. All I did when I lived at home was talk about how I couldn’t wait to go to my current school. And now that I do, I’m trying to go back to the town I spent 20 years trying to leave.

I feel like I’m letting everyone, especially myself, down. My parents have spent so much time and money getting me to this school, and now, after just one semester, I’ve applied to get the hell out. I thought I could be here. I thought I could handle being three hours from my hometown, from the only life I’ve ever known. And I can’t. And it sucks.

If I don’t get into the university back home, then I’m staying here. As hard as it will be, I will not go back to community college. I’ll stick it out here. And I have a feeling I won’t get into the university back home, so I don’t even know why I’m writing this.

At this point, I don’t know what I’m going to do. If I get in, I’ll go home. If I don’t, I won’t. I don’t really know what else to say.

Be well, squadlings.