
Greetings, squadlings!

We’ve reached that point in the semester where everyone is dead inside. It’s the week before Thanksgiving, and everyone is struggling to keep themselves motivated knowing that we only have two days of class next week. It’s not going well.

Apart from struggling to stay awake, we all know what’s coming in a few weeks: FINALS.

Talk about dead inside.

As you all know, I applied to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the big ol’ university in my hometown, which is three hours away from the school I go to now. The problem is, Madison won’t tell me if I’ve been accepted or not until the second week of December. Which means, if I do get in (which is highly unlikely), I will only have one week to pack up my entire life here in Eau Claire, take my finals, and go home. Then, four days later, I’ll be back here for my family Christmas.

So yes, these next few weeks may actually kill me. I’ll try to update as best I can. Don’t expect much.

Be well, squadlings.