And We’re Back…

Greetings, squadlings!

I’m back at my university for Spring semester now. Yeehaw.

I’m taking 16 credits this semester, so I would 100% be lying if I said I’m excited to be here. I’m also fresh off the rejected boat for the school I hoped to be going to this semester. So yeah, this semester should be fun. c53

Other than that, one of my roommates graduated and moved out (I MISS YOU NICOLE). The apartment seems much quieter without her. It’s weird that her door is locked all the time and no one walks in singing “Gucci Gang” after class anymore.

I don’t have much else to say at this point.

Be well, squadlings.

Yes, I Am Still Alive

Greetings and happy 2018, squadlings!

I haven’t posted in a long time because, simply, I have nothing to say. 

I’ve been doing absolutely nothing since I got home for break. I don’t go back to school until January 28th, so I’m pretty much just going to be forcing my dog to cuddle with me for the next two weeks.

I wish I could say I’m doing something interesting, but I’m not. I’m actually in bed right now. At 5pm on a Thursday.

This past semester was fine: I somehow managed to get a 3.41 GPA. Don’t ask me how, because I have NO IDEA. I’m taking a class over break, and then 16 credits next semester. LOL KILL ME.

Be well, squadlings.