Well…That Sucks.

Greetings, squadlings! 

I know, I’m terrible. I haven’t posted in a very long time. I suck.

I’m back at school now, after a crappy round of midterms and a dog-filled spring break. 54 days until the last day of school, but who’s counting?

Guess what, squadlings?

As of right now, I have absolutely no idea where I’m going to school next year.

I know I mentioned in a previous post that I was going back to community college. WELL, I talked to an advisor at said community college, and she told me since I’ve already taken upper level courses and the community college doesn’t offer upper level courses, there’s absolutely no reason for me to go back. She said it would be a huge step down.

So that’s fun.

I reapplied to the university back home, but that’s a long story. I’m expecting another denial, to be honest, so as of right now, I have no idea where I’m going to school next year.

I’ll keep you updated, squadlings.

What My Tattoo Is, And What It Means

Greetings, squadlings!

Yes, yes, to the horror of many of my family members, I got a tattoo back in October. And, now that both my parents know about it (my mom was shockingly more upset about it than my dad was), I can tell you guys about it.

I was sitting in my history class on October 12th, a Thursday, when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Being the piece of crap that I am, I checked it. It was a text from my 19-year-old sister, Kailey. She mentioned that some tattoo shops were having a sale the next day because it was Friday the 13th. Kailey, who already had a tattoo, wrote to me: “Wanna go home this weekend and get a tattoo?” 

Kailey is my best friend (besides Isaac, who is the love of my life), and has been since I was about ten years old, when we first met. Aside from the fact that she’s my best friend, she’s also my sister: Her dad and my mom have been dating for almost eleven years, and together, Kailey and I, as well as our other three siblings, wonder why the hell Brian hasn’t put a freaking ring on it. (I know you read this, Brian. Don’t ignore me.) 


For years, Kailey and I have talked about getting matching tattoos. We knew what we wanted, too: we wanted Poseidon’s trident. WHY? Because we’re losers. We’ve been obsessed with Greek mythology since we were about 12, and Poseidon is our favorite God. When Kailey went to Greece for a school trip in high school, she even brought me back a statue of Poseidon, which is on my desk at school.

So, naturally, when Kailey asked me if I wanted to go home and get matching tattoos, I wrote back “sure lol”. 

And so we did.

We got our tridents, the same design, in the same place: on the inside of our right ankles. And no, it is not a devil’s pitchfork, MOTHER.

Getting a tattoo did not hurt as much as I thought it would. I actually barely felt it until the artist started shading it.

Kailey and I got our tattoos because, simply enough, we felt like it. It was something we had wanted for years, not a spur-of-the-moment thing, and we both were financially stable enough to do so (not anymore, rest in peace). I would post a picture of it, but like I said, it’s on the inside of my right ankle, so I wouldn’t be able to take a decent shot if I wanted to.

Kailey and I go to school four hours away from each other. I don’t even remember the last time I saw her other than through my phone screen. When I look at my tattoo (which, admittedly, I often forget I even have until I see it), it reminds me of Kailey and all the crazy adventures we’ve had together over the past damn-near eleven years. It reminds me of home.

I also like my tattoo placement because I can cover it up if need be. Like I said, I forget I even have it most of the time.

Sorry to say, to all my family members out there who will read this post once it links to my Facebook page, but I want more tattoos. I want something for my dogs, for my brothers, and something only Isaac knows about for the time being. Brace yourselves, folks.

When Kailey and I got our tattoos, as we were leaving the shop, I cracked a joke to her along the lines of “God, I hope our parents don’t break up, or these tattoos are going to be super awkward.” Kailey laughed and replied, “Even if they break up, you’ll always be my sister.” 

Be well, squadlings.

Coming To Terms With It All

Greetings, squadlings!

As I mentioned in my last post, I’m goin’ home. I also mentioned, repeatedly, how disappointed I am with myself that my college experience turned out this way.

That being said, looking back on these past two weeks, I’ve started to realize that, even though this may not be something I originally wanted, it’s something I need to do.

Ok, I promise I’ll stop with the Kylo Ren gifs. Though I must say, we as human beings do not deserve Adam Driver’s hair.


Although I’m admittedly sad that I’m going to be leaving my current school, I’ve realized that I’m actually really excited to go back home. Sure, as mentioned in the past, I’m not a huge fan of my hometown, but my friends are there. My dogs are there. My brothers and sisters (most of them, for the time being) are there. I won’t be starting all over like I did when I came to my current school–I’ll be going back someplace familiar, to a school I’m familiar with. I’ll be able to hang out with Era and Isaac in between classes again. I’ll be home.

My experience at my university has been great, for the most part. Somehow, and I have no idea how, my grades have been pretty stellar–I got my lowest GPA in college history last spring (my first semester away from home), with a 2.8. This past semester, I pulled out a 3.4. Not entirely sure how that happened, to be honest. Other than roommate problems last year, I’ve made a lot of friends and had some fun up here.

But you know what they say: all good things must come to an end. 

So, yes, my college is experience so far has been nothing short of a disaster. Will it continue to be disastrous? Probably. But at least this time, I’ll be home.

Be well, squadlings.