Coming To Terms With It All

Greetings, squadlings!

As I mentioned in my last post, I’m goin’ home. I also mentioned, repeatedly, how disappointed I am with myself that my college experience turned out this way.

That being said, looking back on these past two weeks, I’ve started to realize that, even though this may not be something I originally wanted, it’s something I need to do.

Ok, I promise I’ll stop with the Kylo Ren gifs. Though I must say, we as human beings do not deserve Adam Driver’s hair.


Although I’m admittedly sad that I’m going to be leaving my current school, I’ve realized that I’m actually really excited to go back home. Sure, as mentioned in the past, I’m not a huge fan of my hometown, but my friends are there. My dogs are there. My brothers and sisters (most of them, for the time being) are there. I won’t be starting all over like I did when I came to my current school–I’ll be going back someplace familiar, to a school I’m familiar with. I’ll be able to hang out with Era and Isaac in between classes again. I’ll be home.

My experience at my university has been great, for the most part. Somehow, and I have no idea how, my grades have been pretty stellar–I got my lowest GPA in college history last spring (my first semester away from home), with a 2.8. This past semester, I pulled out a 3.4. Not entirely sure how that happened, to be honest. Other than roommate problems last year, I’ve made a lot of friends and had some fun up here.

But you know what they say: all good things must come to an end. 

So, yes, my college is experience so far has been nothing short of a disaster. Will it continue to be disastrous? Probably. But at least this time, I’ll be home.

Be well, squadlings.


  1. nonalcoholicstudent · March 2, 2018

    I’m sorry to hear that things aren’t going to plan but the slight good news here is that I’ve just fallen in love with your blog and I may have to steal “squadlings”

    Liked by 1 person

    • sennajandy · March 27, 2018

      Hahaha thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

      • nonalcoholicstudent · March 31, 2018

        Anytime – and you’re more than welcome around my blog too! It’s for everyone 😊

        Liked by 1 person

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