T-Minus 26 Days…But Who’s Counting?

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Greetings, squadlings!

So, yes, we’ve officially hit the less-than-one-month mark for how much time is left in this semester. I am ready for summer.

That being said, with this being my last semester at my current school, I am a bit bummed to be leaving here. I know this semester has been nothing but drama-filled, and I’m at the point where I need to just get the hell out of here, but I’m definitely going to miss it up here.

I’ll miss the independence, my apartment, my friends, and my roommates. That’s about it.

Back home, I have my friends, most of my siblings, my parents, and my dogs…but that’s about it, too.

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As of right now, I have no idea where I’m going to school next semester. I should hear back from the university in my hometown within a week. I’m expecting another denial letter. My community college told me not to come back, and I’m not coming back to my current school. This should be fun.

Wish me luck, squadlings!


A Morning In The Life of Endometriosis

Greetings, squadlings!

A warning to the men who read this blog (if there even are any besides my stepdad): Endometriosis is a lady problem. It involves the uterus. Cuz y’all are so damn fragile, I felt the need to put this here. 

A side note to anyone else: I know this is a different type of post for me. I’ve talked openly about my bouts with anxiety and mental breakdowns, but never really anything physical. So, here it is, folks: I have Endometriosis. I was diagnosed in March. There’s a cyst on my left ovary. If it’s not gone in ten weeks, I may need surgery. Why I’m telling you all of this, I have no idea.

You’re probably wondering why I titled this post “A Morning In The Life of Endometriosis” instead of “A Morning In The Life of Someone With Endometriosis.” Well, to be honest, you aren’t really a person when Endo pain hits. You’re just a bundle of cells who can’t move. When Endo pain hits, you BECOME Endo.

Monday, 10:58PM–

The headache starts. Not a normal headache. A headache that’s your body’s way of saying “LOL, you’re screwed.” I know what’s coming in the morning. This should be fun. 

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Tuesday, 5:42AM–

I wake up to a pain on my left side. It’s not terrible, just a dull ache. It’s starting. Awesome. 

Tuesday, 8:34AM–

I give up and finally get up and get ready for class. The second my feet hit the floor, the back pain starts. I have to lean back against my bed to steady myself before I get up and get dressed.

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Tuesday, 9:02AM–

I’m on the bus when the nausea starts. You know the feeling; you feel cold, starting in your feet and running up the rest of your body. Oh yes.

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Tuesday, 9:12AM–

The bus arrives at school. I stand up out of my seat and the pain hits. It’s bad. I take a deep breath and step off the bus. I can’t miss class.

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Tuesday, 9:16AM–

After taking the elevator up one floor, I collapse onto a bench in the hallway. The pain is excruciating now. I try to get up to go to my 9:30 class, just four classrooms down the hall, and I can’t. 

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Tuesday, 9:26AM–

I manage to drag myself to a bathroom, where I try to compose myself before going to class. It doesn’t work. Defeated, I pull out my phone and check the city bus tracker. It’s almost to campus. I grab my backpack off the floor and waddle down the hallway. I contemplate taking a painkiller, but I know it won’t work.

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Tuesday, 9:28AM–

I call my mom on my way to the bus stop. I’m dragging myself down the stairs, trying to make it to the bus stop before the bus leaves and I have to wait another 20 minutes. I tell my mom I can barely stand and I need to go back to my apartment. She doesn’t have much of a reaction: she feels bad, but there’s nothing she can do.

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Tuesday, 9:42AM–

The bus pulls up to my apartment complex, and I haul ass to my room. I refill my water bottle in the kitchen and dive into bed, wrapping myself in as many blankets as tightly as possible to maybe cut off the pain. I message a friend of mine, who was diagnosed with Endometriosis just yesterday. She’s the only person who will ever understand how bad this pain really is. 

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So now, here we are. 10:30AM on Tuesday, and I’m laying in bed. My back is killing me, my cramps are horrible, and there’s a pain so sharp in my stomach it might as well be a knife. No amount of Ibuprofen or Tylenol could ever dull the pain I’m in. All I can do is wait for it to pass, and hope it does soon.

If anyone needs me, I’ll be watching Marvel films in bed all day.

Be well, squadlings.