And That’s That.

Greetings, squadlings!

It’s official, y’all: I’ve finished my third year of college. I’m definitely on the five-year plan with all the transferring I’ve been doing, so who cares.

In finishing my third year of college, I realized something today as I was walking on campus.

I’m not coming back here next year. 

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Yes, it’s true: As I sit on my bed, avoiding packing at all costs, surrounded by a year’s worth of crap, I’m sitting here realizing I’m not coming back to this school next year.

I’ve already transferred before, to this university, so I’m not too worried about the whole “going to a new school” thing. That said, this is the university I never thought I’d leave. I certainly didn’t think I’d leave it to go back to the town I tried so desperately to leave for nineteen years.

I don’t really have a reaction to leaving at this point. To be honest, I don’t even feel like I’m moving out tomorrow.Image result for wait what gif

I don’t want to move out: I love my roommates, I love my apartment, I love my room…But I can’t stay here anymore. I guess all good things must come to an end. *CUE CRYING SPIDERMAN x3*

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Be well, squadlings.

The Day I Never Thought I’d See

Greetings, squadlings.

For those of you who don’t know, my dad is a meteorologist on our local TV news station. He’s worked there since before I was born–I don’t know a life without that station in it. My dad works The Morning Show, 4:00AM-7:00AM, Monday-Friday. He works the show with a woman named Christine. I don’t remember the show without Christine. She’s been sitting next to my dad every morning for 14 years.

Christine is retiring from TV tomorrow morning.

I’d be lying if I said I religiously watch my dad’s show: it starts at 4AM, and I’m 21. You do the math. That being said, whenever I did catch the show, it was always my dad and Christine. They’ve been through pretty much everything together: Christine was at my dad’s wedding, and he was at hers. She was in that god-awful video of him that went viral two years ago. She was at his birthday parties. I honest-to-God do not know a life without Christine in it.

Whenever I would go to work with my dad while I was growing up (and even now), I always looked forward to seeing Christine. She’s so genuine–what you see of Christine on TV is exactly what goes on the second those cameras turn off. She doesn’t create a fake persona for the audience: what you see is what you get. She always, always, always made me laugh. That’s just who she is.

Christine has been such a big part of my life, for almost the entirety of my life. I know I’ll still see her, obviously, she’s going to continue being a part of my life (probably for the rest of my life), but it’s going to be pretty freakin’ weird to see somebody else sitting at that desk with my dad in the mornings.

I wish, more than anything, that I could be back home for her last day, but alas, it’s the weekend before finals and no one is going home, so I can’t get a ride.

While I’m sad to see Christine go, I can’t wait to see what she’s going to do.

Christine: Best wishes, I love you, and thank you. For everything.

Be well, squadlings.

We’re Down To 9 Days.

Greetings, squadlings!

It has come to my attention that I only have 9 days left at my current university before I move home for good.

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Yes, it’s finally happening: I’m goin’ home. But in my excitement/Wondering-if-I-Just-Completely-Screwed-Myself of going home, I’ve realized that this also means I won’t be coming back to my current school. Which sucks.

I do like it here. Do I love it? No. Am I bummed to be going home? Kind of.

I don’t know why. I’m going to miss my friends, my roommates, and knowing where every single class I have is. The university I’m going to next semester has 40,000 people and spans about six miles. It’s ridiculous.

I really don’t have anything else to say. My brain is fried.

Wish me luck, squadlings!

So, Here’s What’s Happening

Greetings, squadlings!

Apparently, as WordPress has just notified me, it’s been three years since I started this blog. Of course, I didn’t post anything on it for a million years, but I guess it’s been active for three years. Yeehaw!

Anyway, as all of you know, I’ve been in crisis mode recently because I’ve had no idea where I’m going to school next year. Well, we finally have an answer.Image result for marvel screaming gif

I’m going to the university back home.

But wait, I got denied twice. How does that work?

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Well, squadlings, the university back in my hometown has something called a Special Student: you can go to the university for one semester. So, as of now, that’s my plan. I’m going to be going to the university back in my hometown for one semester, and then hopefully I’ll get in for good in the spring, AKA the semester I should be graduating, but we all know that’s not going to happen.

So, now that I have a job back home (dog daycare, HOLLA) and I’m wrapping up finals in two weeks, looks like I won’t be coming back to my current city for a while. Which sucks, but it is what it is.

Also, I turn 21 next Tuesday. The week before finals. So there’s that.

Be well, squadlings.