So, Here’s What’s Happening

Greetings, squadlings!

Apparently, as WordPress has just notified me, it’s been three years since I started this blog. Of course, I didn’t post anything on it for a million years, but I guess it’s been active for three years. Yeehaw!

Anyway, as all of you know, I’ve been in crisis mode recently because I’ve had no idea where I’m going to school next year. Well, we finally have an answer.Image result for marvel screaming gif

I’m going to the university back home.

But wait, I got denied twice. How does that work?

Image result for how gif

Well, squadlings, the university back in my hometown has something called a Special Student: you can go to the university for one semester. So, as of now, that’s my plan. I’m going to be going to the university back in my hometown for one semester, and then hopefully I’ll get in for good in the spring, AKA the semester I should be graduating, but we all know that’s not going to happen.

So, now that I have a job back home (dog daycare, HOLLA) and I’m wrapping up finals in two weeks, looks like I won’t be coming back to my current city for a while. Which sucks, but it is what it is.

Also, I turn 21 next Tuesday. The week before finals. So there’s that.

Be well, squadlings.

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