And That’s That.

Greetings, squadlings!

It’s official, y’all: I’ve finished my third year of college. I’m definitely on the five-year plan with all the transferring I’ve been doing, so who cares.

In finishing my third year of college, I realized something today as I was walking on campus.

I’m not coming back here next year. 

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Yes, it’s true: As I sit on my bed, avoiding packing at all costs, surrounded by a year’s worth of crap, I’m sitting here realizing I’m not coming back to this school next year.

I’ve already transferred before, to this university, so I’m not too worried about the whole “going to a new school” thing. That said, this is the university I never thought I’d leave. I certainly didn’t think I’d leave it to go back to the town I tried so desperately to leave for nineteen years.

I don’t really have a reaction to leaving at this point. To be honest, I don’t even feel like I’m moving out tomorrow.Image result for wait what gif

I don’t want to move out: I love my roommates, I love my apartment, I love my room…But I can’t stay here anymore. I guess all good things must come to an end. *CUE CRYING SPIDERMAN x3*

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Be well, squadlings.

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