Why I Left

Greetings, squadlings!

A question I’ve been asked a lot recently is “If you loved your university so much, why did you leave?” Believe me, squadlings, it wasn’t an easy decision to make.

Yes, I loved my university. I loved the campus, the city, and all my friends. I loved the sense of independence I had when I was on my own. I loved my roommates, my apartment, the river…I loved it all. Which is why it broke my heart when I had to leave.

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I hate myself so much for that gif. Sorry, Majri.

I left for a number of reasons. I thought I could be three hours from home, and I couldn’t. As much as I loved it, I was miserable. That sounds strange, loving your environment and being miserable at the same time, but it’s true: I loved where I was, and I hated it. I hated that I was so far from my family, my friends back home, and the only life I’d ever known. Pathetic, I know, but I was miserable. It’s hard to explain.

My health was also deteriorating, too. I’m 21, but I have the body of a 90-year-old man. I realized that, as hard as it was going to be, I needed to be closer to my doctors. Before I was diagnosed with Endometriosis, I was terrified. I had no idea what was happening to me, and I was three hours from home. Even after I was diagnosed, before it was confirmed that I would need surgery, I walked around terrified that I would have a flare so bad I would need to go to the hospital. Luckily, that never happened, but I was constantly so scared that it would. I needed to be back with health professionals who knew what was going on with me, and could help me if need be.

There are a lot of reasons why I left, and there are also a lot of reasons why I hate myself for leaving.

Honestly, I feel like a failure. I know I’m not, and that’s a ridiculous thought, but for some reason, every time I think of not going back to my university, I feel like I just made the biggest mistake of my life. Maybe I did. But it needed to happen.Image result for i just made a huge mistake

And then there was the university in my hometown screwing me over. Twice.

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But that’s a story for a different post.

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Sorry for the gifs. I’m feelin’ it.

I’ve officially determined where I’m going to school this year: I’m doing a mixture of online and in-person classes at the university an hour from my house, where my older sister also goes.

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Am I thrilled about it? No. I got the acceptance letter and felt absolutely nothing. Does that make me a terrible person?

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Alright, I’m done with the gifs.

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Alright, now I’m done.

Be well, squadlings.

I Miss 425.

Greetings, squadlings!

It’s coming to the point of the year where everyone is packing up to go back to school…except me. Again.

I went through this same thing when I went to community college: all my friends turning in their two-week notice at their summer jobs, packing up their things and preparing to head back to their universities. Last year, I did the same thing. But now…I’m not. Again.

Transferring sucks.

Anyway, with everyone up and leaving, I’m missing my roommates now more than ever. Especially because 2/3 graduated and live four hours away from here, and the other, who is still in school, still lives three hours from where I’ll be going to school this semester. So, that being said, here’s a list of things I miss about good ol’ apartment 425:

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I miss knowing Nicole was home because you could hear her singing “Gucci Gang” as she walked in the front door.

I miss going to the barn with Meghan to see her horse, Karma, and the barn cats, Fat Albert and NoKitty.

I miss Meghan yelling at me to not pet Fat Albert and NoKitty because I’m allergic to cats.

I miss doing it anyway.

I miss Rachyl making us pancakes at all hours of the night.

I miss drunk Nicole yelling “RACHYL! PANCAKUHS!”

I miss watching the Olympics and pretending we knew more about the sport than the athletes did.

I miss Rachyl screaming at the TV during Minnesota Wild and San Jose Sharks games. 

I miss my room.

I miss waking up and knowing that I would be able to hang out with my best friends when I got home.

I miss complaining about how far away the trash chute was from our apartment (because I mean, come on, that was ridiculous). 

I miss Sigourney Beaver and Kyle. 

I miss wondering if Rachyl was going to get home late from work, and talking about renting out her room on Air BnB so she would come home to some random person in her bed.

I miss trying to pick the lock to Nicole’s room after she graduated.

Yes, I even miss the clogged toilet incident.

I miss 425. 

And with that, I must go. I have surgery tomorrow. Be well, squadlings.