Post-surgery, Pre-senior year (round 1)

Greetings, squadlings!

A few life updates for y’all, as if anyone cares.

I’ve officially returned to work after my endometriosis/ovarian cyst excision surgery. Surgery went well, my incisions (four of them) are healing well, and life is getting back to normal.

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My coworkers and my bosses have been great about my surgery and my recovery, have been helping me out at work when I need it, and been letting me take breaks if I need them. I really appreciate that from them. LOVE U VINTAGE FAM.

Apart from surgery recovery, yesterday was my first day of my senior year of college…kind of.

Credit-wise, I’m still a junior in college, though I’m in my fourth year. I know, it sucks. I’m gonna be victory-lapping it just like my older brother and sister.

I’m also not back at my university, which sucks. Seeing all my friends move in and knowing I wasn’t going with them was really hard.

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I’m back to my roots, though: I’m enrolled in four classes at my former community college and one at a university an hour away from my house. So we’ll see how this goes.

Until then, be well, squadlings.

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