Here We Go Again…

Greetings, squadlings!

I haven’t forgotten about you, I promise. I just suck at writing.

Ahh, it’s that time of year again. Halloween has passed, and now we get into the important holidays: Christmas and Thanksgiving. A lot of people are excited about this time of year. I, however, am not.

When you’re a kid, everyone makes jokes that “you have divorced parents, you get two Christmases!” Yes, this is true, but it sucks. It’s not something I look forward to. I know I posted about this years ago, but that was back when I was a very crappy writer (though I still wouldn’t call myself “good”). 

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Let me preface this by saying: I am very lucky that I still have both parents in my life, because I know a lot of people don’t.

My holidays consist of family members asking for a headcount of how many people will be at Thanksgiving or Christmas weeks in advance. This is fine, because obviously they have to prepare, but I sit around not knowing what I’m doing until at most, a few days before. I talk to my mom and I see what she’s doing, and then I talk to my dad and see what he’s doing. Even then, I can’t make a decision.

I don’t want one parent to think I’m choosing the other over them, and I don’t want my mom’s family to think I’m choosing my dad’s family over them. That’s not the case at all: the deal is, I’m indecisive as hell. 

Recently, my mom’s sister announced she’s hosting Thanksgiving, and asked for a headcount. My mom counted me in. I haven’t decided where I’m going yet. So this should be interesting.

My reaction when I read my mom’s comment counting me in for Thanksgiving:

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Image result for please no gif

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As for Christmas, my dad’s family Christmas is usually three hours away from my mom’s. This year with my dad, we’re going to the town where my old university is (and yes, I will probably cry), and my mom’s family, I assume, will all be at my mom’s house again. My dad’s family Christmas will be from December 22nd-24th. My mom’s family Christmas is on the 24th. Do you see my problem?

I’m not going to leave one party early to go to another, but I don’t want to not go to the other, either.


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Maybe I’ll just hop on a plane with Isaac and go to Hawaii for the holidays. Haven’t decided.

Be well, squadlings.

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