Guess Who’s Back?

Greetings, squadlings.

wake up eye roll GIF by Stan.

Yes. It’s true. I have not written a post in almost a year.

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I would be lying if I said I haven’t thought about it. I have. But to be honest, I kind of forgot this blog existed for a while. Oops.

I still go to the university an hour from where I live. Most of my classes are online, but unfortunately, I have to make the hour-trek twice a week for two other classes. I’m in 18 credits this semester. Don’t ask me when I’m graduating. I don’t know. Hopefully spring. Save me.

I still don’t like my university. Every day I’m there is a reminder that I’m not at my old university, and it’s a reminder that I let my anxieties win and came home. I hate that. I regret leaving my old university every day. But, such is life.

Other than that, still collecting stuffed animals. Still spending money I don’t have on things I don’t need.

Still working at the brewery. I have two jobs now: I still work at the brewery and I’m a marketing intern at a law firm.

Image result for i'm boring gif

How exciting.

I’ll try not to forget about this blog again.

Be well, squadlings.

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