Life Updates As If Anyone Cares

Greetings, squadlings!

I apologize for the lack of writing recently. I’ve been working on my two summer classes (college algebra and American Sign Language Level 3, ugh) and working at my job.

My job is going well! I really like my coworkers and I get to eat tater tots more often than not.

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I did not make that gif, though I wish I had.

Classes are…classes. I like knowing Sign Language, but WHY IS IT SO HARD TO LEARN? I’m not smart enough for this. And, as always, math makes me want to die.

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Now, for the big news…..

I’m having surgery on August 2nd. 

As y’all know, I have endometriosis. It’s a swell time.

Well, it’s time for Oscar the ovarian cyst to be evicted for good. So on August 2nd, he dies. Rest in peace, comrade.

So that’s my life. It’s not exciting in the least, hence why I haven’t been writing.

Wish me luck, squadlings!

I’m A Mother!

Greetings, squadlings!

Long time no see, and I apologize for that. I’ve been meaning to write, I just keep forgetting because I am a trash human being.

Lots has happened since we spoke last! I quit my job at the dog daycare. It was too overwhelming for me to be locked in a room with 35 dogs all by myself. I didn’t realize how stressful that would be. Anyway, 26 hours later, I got another job! I’m back to my hosting-at-a-brewpub days. This is a different brewpub (it’s Wisconsin, they aren’t hard to find) and so far it’s going well!

Also, I’m a mother now!

Let me explain.

Last night, my mom, stepdad, dog and I were walking across one of the busiest streets in my hometown when we saw some college guys taking a cover off a storm drain. I figured they were just being dumb kids and didn’t bother, but my mom asked them what they were doing. One of them said, “There are baby ducks in the drain!” 

So, naturally, we ran over. Sure enough, five baby ducks were swimming in the murky water about nine feet below. Had we had a ladder, this would have been an easy rescue mission. The problem? We did not have a ladder. So, we did what any normal person does when they’re in distress.

We called the cops.

By now, another family–a mom, dad, and daughter– had joined the party. The operator at the police station did not seem enthralled by our quest to save the duckies. In fact, after we called them three times, another member of our party (named Jim, the aforementioned dad, who becomes a hero later in this story) listened to his police scanner and straight up heard them say they weren’t coming because THEY DIDN’T CARE.

Next stop, animal control.

By now, we had realized there was a hole in the storm drain where the ducks kept going in and out, and some would occasionally disappear. At one point, we only saw 2/5.

So I’m frantically calling animal control, which is supposed to be 24 hours, and no one is answering. I was about to give up, when I realized something.

Duh, the fire department. 

They get cats out of trees, why can’t they get ducks out of drains?

Jim, his daughter Ella and I piled into Jim’s car, and we drove to a fire department about a mile up the road. The fireworks show we had all been intending to go to had started long ago, and was nearing the finale when we pulled up to the fire station.

Ella and I jumped out of the car and ran to the fire department’s garage doors, where we frantically knocked until some firemen noticed us and opened the door. I’m sure the firemen were probably quite startled to see two young girls pounding on their garage door at 10:30pm.

We explained the situation, and the firemen called down their lieutenant to see what they could do. The lieutenant listened to my and Ella’s pleas, then turned to his men.

“You guys down for a rescue mission?” 

The firemen loaded up into their truck and followed us back to the storm drain, where my mom, stepdad, dog, and Ella’s mom Becky were all gathered. The firemen used a ladder and a bucket to retrieve the duckies. One of the firemen crawled down into the drain and scooped out ducks one by one into a bucket, then handed them off to my mom, who had a gift bag she had retrieved from our car. In a matter of minutes, we had a bag full of four ducks.

Four. Ducks. Out of five.

Yes, one duck decided to be a little jerk and hide himself away in the aforementioned hole in the drain. We waited for a few minutes, even whistled to imitate his siblings calls, but he didn’t emerge from his hole. And then, to our horror, the firemen got a call. They had to leave.

The firemen packed up their ladder and took off to their call, sirens blaring as they sped down the street.

But Jim, Ella, Becky, my family and I weren’t done yet. We refused to leave with just four out of five ducks. We continued to make baby duck calls, even held the bag of duck babies over the drain to see if the chirping would bring out their lost brother, but to no avail.

Then, a fire truck pulled up. The firemen had come back! 

The firemen once again entered into the drain, but were only able to be down for a short while before they got another call. They apologized to us, put the cover back on the drain, and took off towards their call, sirens and all.

And sure enough, just a few minutes after the firemen left, the fifth duck appeared.

We weren’t giving up. My stepdad and Jim were determined at this point. Together, they removed the drain cover just as the earlier college boys, who were now long gone, had. My mom retrieved a shovel from her snow emergency kit in the trunk of her car (it’s Wisconsin, don’t ask) and that’s when Jim became a hero.

There was a little step-like object in the drain, so Jim CLIMBED DOWN THE HOLE and scooped out the last duck with his shovel.

Oh, but the story doesn’t end here.

Shortly after we retrieved our last duck, the firemen came back AGAIN. 

We ran over to them and told them we had gotten the last duck, and they were all relieved. The lieutenant, who had come on the rescue mission with his men, called out “which one of you went down there!?!?” 

We took pictures with the firemen, and they took pictures of the ducks, and they went on their merry way to continue fighting fires.

By now, the mama duck, who had been flying around near the drain, was long gone. We walked around, hoping that the chirping of her babies would bring her back, but to no avail.

So, naturally, we took them home. 

So, yes, now I have five baby ducks in my bathtub. Their names are Cleetus, Sebastian, Ping Jr., Pong, and Lieutenant.

They are going to the wildlife center in my town at 1pm, where they will be taken care of properly until they are ready for release.





And That’s That.

Greetings, squadlings!

It’s official, y’all: I’ve finished my third year of college. I’m definitely on the five-year plan with all the transferring I’ve been doing, so who cares.

In finishing my third year of college, I realized something today as I was walking on campus.

I’m not coming back here next year. 

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Yes, it’s true: As I sit on my bed, avoiding packing at all costs, surrounded by a year’s worth of crap, I’m sitting here realizing I’m not coming back to this school next year.

I’ve already transferred before, to this university, so I’m not too worried about the whole “going to a new school” thing. That said, this is the university I never thought I’d leave. I certainly didn’t think I’d leave it to go back to the town I tried so desperately to leave for nineteen years.

I don’t really have a reaction to leaving at this point. To be honest, I don’t even feel like I’m moving out tomorrow.Image result for wait what gif

I don’t want to move out: I love my roommates, I love my apartment, I love my room…But I can’t stay here anymore. I guess all good things must come to an end. *CUE CRYING SPIDERMAN x3*

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Be well, squadlings.

The Day I Never Thought I’d See

Greetings, squadlings.

For those of you who don’t know, my dad is a meteorologist on our local TV news station. He’s worked there since before I was born–I don’t know a life without that station in it. My dad works The Morning Show, 4:00AM-7:00AM, Monday-Friday. He works the show with a woman named Christine. I don’t remember the show without Christine. She’s been sitting next to my dad every morning for 14 years.

Christine is retiring from TV tomorrow morning.

I’d be lying if I said I religiously watch my dad’s show: it starts at 4AM, and I’m 21. You do the math. That being said, whenever I did catch the show, it was always my dad and Christine. They’ve been through pretty much everything together: Christine was at my dad’s wedding, and he was at hers. She was in that god-awful video of him that went viral two years ago. She was at his birthday parties. I honest-to-God do not know a life without Christine in it.

Whenever I would go to work with my dad while I was growing up (and even now), I always looked forward to seeing Christine. She’s so genuine–what you see of Christine on TV is exactly what goes on the second those cameras turn off. She doesn’t create a fake persona for the audience: what you see is what you get. She always, always, always made me laugh. That’s just who she is.

Christine has been such a big part of my life, for almost the entirety of my life. I know I’ll still see her, obviously, she’s going to continue being a part of my life (probably for the rest of my life), but it’s going to be pretty freakin’ weird to see somebody else sitting at that desk with my dad in the mornings.

I wish, more than anything, that I could be back home for her last day, but alas, it’s the weekend before finals and no one is going home, so I can’t get a ride.

While I’m sad to see Christine go, I can’t wait to see what she’s going to do.

Christine: Best wishes, I love you, and thank you. For everything.

Be well, squadlings.

We’re Down To 9 Days.

Greetings, squadlings!

It has come to my attention that I only have 9 days left at my current university before I move home for good.

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Yes, it’s finally happening: I’m goin’ home. But in my excitement/Wondering-if-I-Just-Completely-Screwed-Myself of going home, I’ve realized that this also means I won’t be coming back to my current school. Which sucks.

I do like it here. Do I love it? No. Am I bummed to be going home? Kind of.

I don’t know why. I’m going to miss my friends, my roommates, and knowing where every single class I have is. The university I’m going to next semester has 40,000 people and spans about six miles. It’s ridiculous.

I really don’t have anything else to say. My brain is fried.

Wish me luck, squadlings!

So, Here’s What’s Happening

Greetings, squadlings!

Apparently, as WordPress has just notified me, it’s been three years since I started this blog. Of course, I didn’t post anything on it for a million years, but I guess it’s been active for three years. Yeehaw!

Anyway, as all of you know, I’ve been in crisis mode recently because I’ve had no idea where I’m going to school next year. Well, we finally have an answer.Image result for marvel screaming gif

I’m going to the university back home.

But wait, I got denied twice. How does that work?

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Well, squadlings, the university back in my hometown has something called a Special Student: you can go to the university for one semester. So, as of now, that’s my plan. I’m going to be going to the university back in my hometown for one semester, and then hopefully I’ll get in for good in the spring, AKA the semester I should be graduating, but we all know that’s not going to happen.

So, now that I have a job back home (dog daycare, HOLLA) and I’m wrapping up finals in two weeks, looks like I won’t be coming back to my current city for a while. Which sucks, but it is what it is.

Also, I turn 21 next Tuesday. The week before finals. So there’s that.

Be well, squadlings.

T-Minus 26 Days…But Who’s Counting?

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Greetings, squadlings!

So, yes, we’ve officially hit the less-than-one-month mark for how much time is left in this semester. I am ready for summer.

That being said, with this being my last semester at my current school, I am a bit bummed to be leaving here. I know this semester has been nothing but drama-filled, and I’m at the point where I need to just get the hell out of here, but I’m definitely going to miss it up here.

I’ll miss the independence, my apartment, my friends, and my roommates. That’s about it.

Back home, I have my friends, most of my siblings, my parents, and my dogs…but that’s about it, too.

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As of right now, I have no idea where I’m going to school next semester. I should hear back from the university in my hometown within a week. I’m expecting another denial letter. My community college told me not to come back, and I’m not coming back to my current school. This should be fun.

Wish me luck, squadlings!


A Morning In The Life of Endometriosis

Greetings, squadlings!

A warning to the men who read this blog (if there even are any besides my stepdad): Endometriosis is a lady problem. It involves the uterus. Cuz y’all are so damn fragile, I felt the need to put this here. 

A side note to anyone else: I know this is a different type of post for me. I’ve talked openly about my bouts with anxiety and mental breakdowns, but never really anything physical. So, here it is, folks: I have Endometriosis. I was diagnosed in March. There’s a cyst on my left ovary. If it’s not gone in ten weeks, I may need surgery. Why I’m telling you all of this, I have no idea.

You’re probably wondering why I titled this post “A Morning In The Life of Endometriosis” instead of “A Morning In The Life of Someone With Endometriosis.” Well, to be honest, you aren’t really a person when Endo pain hits. You’re just a bundle of cells who can’t move. When Endo pain hits, you BECOME Endo.

Monday, 10:58PM–

The headache starts. Not a normal headache. A headache that’s your body’s way of saying “LOL, you’re screwed.” I know what’s coming in the morning. This should be fun. 

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Tuesday, 5:42AM–

I wake up to a pain on my left side. It’s not terrible, just a dull ache. It’s starting. Awesome. 

Tuesday, 8:34AM–

I give up and finally get up and get ready for class. The second my feet hit the floor, the back pain starts. I have to lean back against my bed to steady myself before I get up and get dressed.

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Tuesday, 9:02AM–

I’m on the bus when the nausea starts. You know the feeling; you feel cold, starting in your feet and running up the rest of your body. Oh yes.

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Tuesday, 9:12AM–

The bus arrives at school. I stand up out of my seat and the pain hits. It’s bad. I take a deep breath and step off the bus. I can’t miss class.

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Tuesday, 9:16AM–

After taking the elevator up one floor, I collapse onto a bench in the hallway. The pain is excruciating now. I try to get up to go to my 9:30 class, just four classrooms down the hall, and I can’t. 

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Tuesday, 9:26AM–

I manage to drag myself to a bathroom, where I try to compose myself before going to class. It doesn’t work. Defeated, I pull out my phone and check the city bus tracker. It’s almost to campus. I grab my backpack off the floor and waddle down the hallway. I contemplate taking a painkiller, but I know it won’t work.

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Tuesday, 9:28AM–

I call my mom on my way to the bus stop. I’m dragging myself down the stairs, trying to make it to the bus stop before the bus leaves and I have to wait another 20 minutes. I tell my mom I can barely stand and I need to go back to my apartment. She doesn’t have much of a reaction: she feels bad, but there’s nothing she can do.

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Tuesday, 9:42AM–

The bus pulls up to my apartment complex, and I haul ass to my room. I refill my water bottle in the kitchen and dive into bed, wrapping myself in as many blankets as tightly as possible to maybe cut off the pain. I message a friend of mine, who was diagnosed with Endometriosis just yesterday. She’s the only person who will ever understand how bad this pain really is. 

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So now, here we are. 10:30AM on Tuesday, and I’m laying in bed. My back is killing me, my cramps are horrible, and there’s a pain so sharp in my stomach it might as well be a knife. No amount of Ibuprofen or Tylenol could ever dull the pain I’m in. All I can do is wait for it to pass, and hope it does soon.

If anyone needs me, I’ll be watching Marvel films in bed all day.

Be well, squadlings.


Well…That Sucks.

Greetings, squadlings! 

I know, I’m terrible. I haven’t posted in a very long time. I suck.

I’m back at school now, after a crappy round of midterms and a dog-filled spring break. 54 days until the last day of school, but who’s counting?

Guess what, squadlings?

As of right now, I have absolutely no idea where I’m going to school next year.

I know I mentioned in a previous post that I was going back to community college. WELL, I talked to an advisor at said community college, and she told me since I’ve already taken upper level courses and the community college doesn’t offer upper level courses, there’s absolutely no reason for me to go back. She said it would be a huge step down.

So that’s fun.

I reapplied to the university back home, but that’s a long story. I’m expecting another denial, to be honest, so as of right now, I have no idea where I’m going to school next year.

I’ll keep you updated, squadlings.

What My Tattoo Is, And What It Means

Greetings, squadlings!

Yes, yes, to the horror of many of my family members, I got a tattoo back in October. And, now that both my parents know about it (my mom was shockingly more upset about it than my dad was), I can tell you guys about it.

I was sitting in my history class on October 12th, a Thursday, when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Being the piece of crap that I am, I checked it. It was a text from my 19-year-old sister, Kailey. She mentioned that some tattoo shops were having a sale the next day because it was Friday the 13th. Kailey, who already had a tattoo, wrote to me: “Wanna go home this weekend and get a tattoo?” 

Kailey is my best friend (besides Isaac, who is the love of my life), and has been since I was about ten years old, when we first met. Aside from the fact that she’s my best friend, she’s also my sister: Her dad and my mom have been dating for almost eleven years, and together, Kailey and I, as well as our other three siblings, wonder why the hell Brian hasn’t put a freaking ring on it. (I know you read this, Brian. Don’t ignore me.) 


For years, Kailey and I have talked about getting matching tattoos. We knew what we wanted, too: we wanted Poseidon’s trident. WHY? Because we’re losers. We’ve been obsessed with Greek mythology since we were about 12, and Poseidon is our favorite God. When Kailey went to Greece for a school trip in high school, she even brought me back a statue of Poseidon, which is on my desk at school.

So, naturally, when Kailey asked me if I wanted to go home and get matching tattoos, I wrote back “sure lol”. 

And so we did.

We got our tridents, the same design, in the same place: on the inside of our right ankles. And no, it is not a devil’s pitchfork, MOTHER.

Getting a tattoo did not hurt as much as I thought it would. I actually barely felt it until the artist started shading it.

Kailey and I got our tattoos because, simply enough, we felt like it. It was something we had wanted for years, not a spur-of-the-moment thing, and we both were financially stable enough to do so (not anymore, rest in peace). I would post a picture of it, but like I said, it’s on the inside of my right ankle, so I wouldn’t be able to take a decent shot if I wanted to.

Kailey and I go to school four hours away from each other. I don’t even remember the last time I saw her other than through my phone screen. When I look at my tattoo (which, admittedly, I often forget I even have until I see it), it reminds me of Kailey and all the crazy adventures we’ve had together over the past damn-near eleven years. It reminds me of home.

I also like my tattoo placement because I can cover it up if need be. Like I said, I forget I even have it most of the time.

Sorry to say, to all my family members out there who will read this post once it links to my Facebook page, but I want more tattoos. I want something for my dogs, for my brothers, and something only Isaac knows about for the time being. Brace yourselves, folks.

When Kailey and I got our tattoos, as we were leaving the shop, I cracked a joke to her along the lines of “God, I hope our parents don’t break up, or these tattoos are going to be super awkward.” Kailey laughed and replied, “Even if they break up, you’ll always be my sister.” 

Be well, squadlings.