Welcome to Adulting

Greetings, squadlings!

I’m sorry for the lack of posts the last few weeks. I finally wrapped up finals this past week.

Yes, I’ve officially finished my first semester at a four-year university. It’s very different from community college. The classes are a lot bigger, so it’s harder to get one-on-one time with a teacher if you’re struggling. Essentially, it was exactly what I expected it to be. So far, I’ve got two semester grades in: a B and a B-. I’ll take it.

With the end of the semester, that means one thing: I turned 20.

I’m officially no longer a teenager, which means I have to start adulting. No thank you.

The most adulty thing I’ve done in my life was booking my own flight and flying by myself when I went to Washington D.C. this past April. That’s it. I do not know how, nor do I want, to adult.

If you don’t know what adulting is, it’s basically being an adult. At school, though my friends and I are all legal adults, we said that our hall director was the “adultiest adult”, who we could go to if we needed help with something. For example, I had some roommate issues this semester (don’t ask), and though my roommate and I were both adults, we went to our hall director because she was a real adult and we are adults in training.

That being said, I don’t have much else to give you with this post. My life is pretty boring.

I will update as I do things this summer.

Until we meet again, squadlings.

The Time Has Come…

Oh. Dear. God.

Greetings squadlings, and apologies for the lack of posts this past week. I’ve been working and getting crap done for school.

Well, friends, the time has come: The application for Spring semester 2017 at my -hopefully- future college has gone live. It’s happening, folks: I’m officially applying to transfer out of my community college.


That’s right people. I’m adulting.

College apps are a lot easier than I thought. Maybe because the University of Wisconsin system application has all my information saved from when I attempted to apply for an actual university before I decided on community college, so I really don’t have to do much. Also, to whom it may concern, no, I did not send in an application anywhere but the school I currently attend. I’m lazy.

Thankfully, though, a friend of my cousin’s goes to the school I’m planning on attending, and she’s letting me come up and crash in her dorm for a night later this month to get a feel of the school. HELL YEAH FRIENDSHIP.

Wish me luck, squadlings!