‘Twas The Week Before Finals…

Greetings, squadlings.

Holy crap, am I dead inside.

I don’t know why I took such a beating this semester. I just can’t wait to get home.

I’m done with finals next week Wednesday, and I’m more than ready for that moment to come. I have no motivation left to do anything at this point. I’m pretty sure most college students are in the same boat.


So, I shall continue to lay in bed at 3:30 in the afternoon.

Be well, squadlings.

And Now We Wait. And Wait. And Wait.

Greetings, squadlings.

As you know, I applied to the university back in my hometown. I’m sad about the thought of leaving my current university, but eager to find out if I’ve been accepted back home.


If you know me, you know I am the most impatient person in the world. That is why I pack for a trip three weeks in advance. I DON’T WANT TO WAIT UNTIL DECEMBER.


Honestly, I don’t think I’ll get into the university back home anyway, but either way, I don’t want to wait until December to find out.

My current university sent me an acceptance six days after I applied. I applied to the university back home two days ago, and I’m already impatient as all hell.


THEY HAVEN’T EVEN SENT ME AN EMAIL CONFIRMING THEY GOT MY APPLICATION YET. They’ve emailed me confirming they received my transcripts, but not my application. OKAY.

So, yes, now we will have to sit and wait for the next two-and-a-half months to see if I got in or not.

Wish me luck, squadlings!

I Really Wish I Had Something Interesting To Say

Greetings, squadlings!

I really wish I had something interesting to tell you. But I don’t.

I’ve been back at school for three weeks now, and while I’m not as miserable as I was when I first moved up here, I still miss home. And my dogs.

I love my roommates. I have three of them, and they’re great! That was a good part of coming here.

Other than that, besides suffering in my classes, I really haven’t been doing anything. The application for the school in my hometown is due on October 2nd. We’ll see how that goes.

I’ll give you updates as they come.

I Was Sassed By a Peacock Before I Fed a Giraffe

Holy balls, squadlings.

Apologies for the lack of posts these past few weeks. I’m taking a summer course, and to put things lightly, it’s royally kicking my ass. So that’s fun.

I’m also working, as per usual, so most of my time while I’m NOT working is used for homework. Hooray.

A quick few updates for y’all:

  1. The summer course I’m taking is Introduction to Film. Easy enough, but very time consuming, seeing as it’s a sixteen-week course shoved into eight weeks. It’s all online, meaning I need the motivation to get to work on it, and as y’all know, motivation and I don’t get along very well. I should be doing homework right now, but alas, I am blogging.

2. My great aunt passed away on Sunday. I didn’t know her well, but I’m still sad about it. I’ve met her a few times, and she was very sweet. She lived in Missouri, where my dad is from, so I didn’t see her much.

3. I FED A GIRAFFE. A REAL, LIVE GIRAFFE. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am OBSESSED with giraffes. Like, unhealthily (is that a word?) obsessed with them. A little background for you on how this happened:

My cousins, Brynn and Erin, and I have a friend named Ari. Ari lives about an hour and a half away from us, near Milwaukee. Ari told us that, at the Milwaukee zoo, you can feed giraffes. Of course, I lost my mind at the thought of feeding a giraffe. So, seeing as Brynn returned from her semester abroad in London a few weeks ago, we thought it would be fun for all of us to go to the Milwaukee zoo. So, on Monday, Brynn, Erin and I piled into Brynn and Erin’s Honda Civic and drove to Ari’s town to pick her up. Once we picked her up, we made our way to the Milwaukee zoo.

I had never been to the Milwaukee zoo before. I can confirm for you, it is HUGE. They have SO many more animals than the zoo where I live. So, we determined you could feed the giraffes at 3:00. We got to the zoo around 11. We wandered around the zoo, checking out all the animals.

I was not aware of this, but apparently, the Milwaukee zoo has peacocks just waltzin’ around the zoo. I thought they broke out of their cage, but Ari explained that was just how it was there. I decided, being the idiot I am, to go up and mess around with one of said peacocks (a female). I walked on up to the peacock, and I yelled “WHY DIDN’T YOU CALL ME?”

I’m stupid, don’t even ask.

So, this peacock stops in her tracks, turns to me, and SQUAWKS. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard a peacock sound, but it’s VERY strange. I GOT SASSED BY A PEACOCK. I can check that off my bucket list.

We also saw a seal/sea lion show, which was really cool! Those are Erin’s favorite animals, so of course she was freaking out. There was a sea lion named Mikaia who was very talented, along with a seal named Nanu. 10/10 to both.

As I’m sure you’ve all heard, the Pokemon Go craze is sweeping the nation, and Ari and Erin caught quite a few Pokemon at the zoo. Many Pokestops.


As 3:00 was nearing, we made our way to the giraffe exhibit and bought our tickets; $5 each to feed the giraffes. We had some time to kill before 3:00, so we went to see the wolves. Unfortunately, the wolves weren’t feeling seeing us, so we didn’t actually see them. Brynn was also very disappointed that her favorite animal, the otters, are having a new exhibit being built, so there weren’t any otters there. She did, however, see a tiger being fed raw meat out of a bucket. That was awesome.

Once 3:00 rolled around, we went back to the giraffe exhibit and waited in line. Finally, when it was our turn, we could only go two at a time, so Brynn and I went first.

OH MY GOD I CRIED. Giraffe tongues are around 20 inches long, and they’re black. Giraffe tongues are black so they don’t get sunburn while reaching for leaves in tall trees. Yes, I’m serious. And when you have a 20-inch black tongue comin’ straight at your hand, it’s quite an adventure. Side note, we weren’t allowed to turn our backs to the giraffes, because they would think we were taking their food away and whip us with their necks. I would have been so blessed.

Twas a good day. Here are some pictures of the zoo adventure: (I don’t know why the pictures posted twice).


Me feeding Bahatika. CRYING


Erin feeding Bahatika (male) while Marlee (female) apparently thinks she’s next.



Brynn after feeding Marlee. Right after this picture, I tried to give Marlee the lettuce piece, but Bahatika wasn’t havin’ my shit and took it right out of Marlee’s face.



If I Could Just Pick A Major…

Greetings, squadlings, and apologies for the lack of posts these past two weeks.

I have officially wrapped up my first year of college! I finished finals last Thursday…then ended up in the hospital on Sunday. Vertigo is not fun, children.

So, yes, I am officially a college sophomore. Yeehaw. That being said, I am officially a college sophomore who has no idea what the hell she wants to do with her life. 

I have yet to declare a major, and quite frankly, I am nowhere near close to declaring a major. I have no idea what I’m doing with my life.

I’m 19 years old, and I’m currently stuck between two majors: Journalism, and Communication-Sciences and Disorders. Journalism, because duh, and CSD because…well, it’s interesting. I debated becoming a Veterinary Technician, or even a Veterinarian, for a while, until I realized I’m waaay too unintelligent for such a thing.

Journalism seems pretty easy; loads of Humanities courses and a few social sciences. I like those kind of courses. CSD seems interesting, except for INTRODUCTION TO FREAKIN’ NEUROSCIENCE. NO THANK YOU. (Except my brother’s girlfriend is a Neuroscience major, because both she and my brother are superhuman genius monkeys, so I could ask her for help…)

If anyone reading this has struggled with picking a major, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, HELP ME.



End of Semester: Round Two

Greetings, squadlings!

I apologize for the lack of posts the past few weeks, school has been beating the crap out of me, and I’ve also been working.

Right now, it’s April 17th. My school’s last day of finals is May 13th. Oh dear god.

I only have one final this semester (math, rip sennajandy), but loads of projects/papers in my other classes. As of right now, I believe I’m at or slightly above a 3.0 GPA. Do not ask me how, because I will not be able to tell you.

This semester was a lot harder than first semester, though I’m not sure why. The classes aren’t much harder, but the work load basically tripled.

Also, turns out my current math class AND next level math class don’t transfer to the University I’m hoping to go to after my community college days are over, yet my next level class transfers to University of Wisconsin-Madison. I KNOW, I DON’T GET IT EITHER.


This exciting news means I get to take a math placement test, YET AGAIN, to see if I can test into the level -two levels above my current class- that does transfer to the college I want to attend. If I don’t, I basically just have to keep retaking the test until I do. Which should be very fun. Not knowing how to math is great.

So, as I wrap up the semester, I will apologize in advance for lack of posts. This summer, let’s hope I do some things that are interesting enough to post about.

Wish me luck, squadlings!

First Round of Midterms

Greetings, squadlings.

Last semester (my first semester of college), I was #blessed to not have A SINGLE midterm for any of my classes.

This semester, however, I am not so lucky.


Starting on Tuesday (tomorrow), I have my English midterm, worth a lovely 15% of my grade. On Thursday comes my math midterm.

That’s the one I’m worried about. I learn by watching people do things, and I’m taking an online math class. Why am I taking an online math class? Well, squadlings, I am what scientists call…


Yep. I decided to take all of my classes on ONLY Tuesdays and Thursdays, and that wasn’t an option for my math class, so I took it online.


I’m doing well in the class, I have an A, thanks to my dad standing over my shoulder every time I take an online test.

RIP Senna Jandy.

I also have an Earth Science test this week, although I’m not sure if that’s a midterm or just a unit test. I should probably figure that out, shouldn’t I?

Wish me luck, squadlings!


Quite The Adventure…

Jesus christ, squadlings, do I have a story for you…

Yesterday, my dad and I were heading up north to visit some friends. I was going to be staying with my friend Hannah at her university, where I plan on transferring once I leave community college, and my dad was going to be staying with his friend Pete. We had been planning this for weeks.

Yeah, well, things change.

After driving about an hour and a half, guess what. The oil light on our car went on. According to my dad, you should never drive if your oil light is on.

So, my dad pulls over to the side of the damn interstate, and we get out to check the oil. Our car had low oil. Amazing. 

Seeing as the nearest gas station was about two miles behind us, my dad and I were in for a walk.


Oh yes. This is actually a picture of my father walking alongside the interstate.

Have you ever walked next to a semi headed in your direction at 70 miles an hour? It’s not fun.

So, long story short, my dad and I get to the gas station after making our way through overgrown grass, piles of trash, and decomposing carcasses of roadkill long forgotten. Then, we buy some oil and head back outside.

We decided to try and hitch a ride back. Many people drove past us. I almost threw rocks at many cars. Finally, a nice lady in a Chevy Silverado pulled over and drove us back to our car. Bless her.

So here are my dad and I on the side of I-94, pouring oil through a paper funnel into our Chevy Tahoe. We pour the oil, and I turn the key. The car starts normally, and the oil light is off.

Huzzah, right? Wrong.

My dad and I get back on the road for about 20 seconds before the damn oil light goes off again. Then, the oil pressure light goes on.

Now, I have absolutely no understanding of anything related to cars. Ask my brother, he could tell you what that means. I have no clue. But according to my dad, IT’S VERY BAD.

My dad pulls over and says the dreaded words: “We’re going to have to call a tow truck.


So, we called roadside assistance and waited. Every single time a semi truck drove by (which was quite often), the car would shake. It’s not fun sitting in a dead stop while cars are swoopin’ past you at 70 miles an hour.

After waiting for a solid HOUR AND A HALF, a nice man named Alan rolled up in his giant tow truck to save us from the hell that is sitting on the shoulder of the interstate.


*cries violently*

Alan The Tow Truck Man drives us to the auto repair shop, and guess what? THEY’RE CLOSED ON WEEKENDS.

Alan The Tow Truck Man drives us to another auto repair shop across town. They tell us they’re “too busy to help us, and the repair wouldn’t be started for three weeks.” HOW HELPFUL, THANK YOU. My dad says that was the first time he was ever rejected for an auto repair. By this point, my grandma had come to town to pick us up and drive us to our destination, which happens to be where she lives.

As friendly as he was, Alan The Tow Truck Man drives us TO ANOTHER TOWN TWENTY MINUTES AWAY to get us to another auto repair shop. Luckily, this rinky-dink town in the middle of nowhere took our dormant Chevy Tahoe under its wing, and will begin working on our repair, whatever it may be, on Monday.


Yes, we DID eventually reach our destination, about six hours after we thought we would. It was a good time, though. One of the shops my friend took me to had a dog in it.



So yes, our weekend was wild. Good times, my friends, good times.

And Second Semester Starts…NOW.

My second semester of college starts tomorrow. hillary-duff

I must admit, a month and a half long break can get pretty boring after a while. I’m looking forward to seeing my friends again, not so much looking forward to homework and an online math class. Speaking of, my teacher is supposed to email me login information for our online class, and hasn’t done it yet. *screams*

Wish me luck, squadlings!

What to do When Your Best Friend Moves Across the World: Cry A Lot

Happy New Year, squadlings!

Of course, the New Year isn’t so happy for ME right about now. It’s January 1st, meaning today is the day when my 19-year-old cousin, who is also one of my best friends, moves to London for six months with a study abroad program from her school. Cue hardcore sobs right…NOW.


Today marks the beginning of six months without my best friend. I don’t know how I’m going to take that.

My cousin, let’s call her Beth, goes to college in a different state with an hour time difference. That’s fine, that’s not much of a gap. But London, compared to good ol’ Wisconsin, is a six hour time gap. hillary-duff

It’s also in a different COUNTRY, meaning I had to download an app just so I can text her. Our group text message with her, our friend Ari, and Beth’s sister is going to have to go on hold for a while, as Beth can’t send us messages from that number anymore.

So, what do you do when your best friend moves across the world for school? Well, you can lay in bed and listen to sad songs and cry all day, which is exactly what I plan to do. tumblr_lr1bscvwfo1qf924co2_250

Don’t get me wrong: I’m so excited for Beth to be going to London like this. And hey, if I go to London this summer, maybe she can tell me all the cool places she went. My point is, I’ve never had my best friend leave the country for six months. It’s going to be hard to adjust to, but eventually, once we get the hang of it, I think it will be so cool to learn about all the cool stuff Beth is doing overseas!


Until we meet again, squadlings.