Still On My Mind

Greetings, squadlings.

On the 23rd of this month, it will be four months since Aunt Meg died. Tomorrow marks four months since the last time I saw her.

Not a month, week, day, hour goes by that I don’t think about her. They say time heals all wounds, but I’m just not so sure.

We were able to hold a private, family-only funeral for her in July. Due to COVID restrictions, only family and her very dearest friends were allowed to attend. No one but the priests could speak–no speeches, no eulogies to remember the incredible person she was.

She was buried on that scorchingly hot day in July in a cemetery not far from my house. The high temperature was around 91 degrees Fahrenheit, with peak heat index reaching around 101. However, during her burial, there was a thunderstorm. It was a cool, yet rainy, 71 degrees as we stood at her gravesite and said our final goodbyes. We let her rest. I go visit her usually once a week–I talk to her, update her on what’s going on (although there’s honestly not much to say), keep her headstone nice and cleaned up, and water the flowers we planted next to her.

Four months have passed since the last time I saw her. Time is supposed to heal all wounds, but honestly, it hasn’t done much.

I fell down the hole of constant listening to the Hamilton soundtrack. There are quite a few lines in the final song, Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story that make me think of Aunt Meg. One of them is “The lord in his kindness, he gives me what you always wanted, he gives me more time”. Another is “I ask myself, “what would you do if you had more time?”” The one that stands out the most, though, is this:

“Oh, I can’t wait to see you again. It’s only a matter of time.” 

Be well, squadlings.

It Wasn’t Supposed To End This Way.

Greetings, squadlings.

As I sit here on my bed at 11:30pm on a Friday, with a screaming pain in my chest, my face burned raw from crying, and my phone sitting next to me as I talk to crisis counselors, I can’t help but think: It wasn’t supposed to end this way.

I wasn’t supposed to close out my college years without Aunt Meg. I wasn’t supposed to start my actual adult life without her. I wasn’t supposed to turn 23, in exactly two weeks from today, without her.

And now I have to.

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I know a handful of people who have passed away. I’ve been to more funerals than weddings in my almost 23 years. But there’s something different about Aunt Meg.

This is the first death that’s hit me this hard. I thought losing a friend to suicide at 19 was the hardest death I’d been hit with, but damn. This really sucks.

I’m a godmother now. My godson’s name is Felix. I never got to show Aunt Meg a picture of him–he was born after the last time I saw her. I never got to tell her about him. I never got to ask how to be the best godmother in the world, like she was.

What’s strange is, I sat with Aunt Meg and some other family members after Aunt Meg passed away yesterday. I was there for hours. And for the life of me, I can’t remember what she looked like.

She probably wouldn’t have wanted me to remember what she looked like at that point.

Which brings me back to:

It wasn’t supposed to end this way.

Be well, squadlings.


Why I Was Afraid of Someone I Trusted

Greetings, squadlings!

I’ve written and deleted this post probably 20 times. Who knows if I’ll actually post it now?

Many people have asked me why my blog died a slow, painful death around spring of 2019. I always tell people that it’s because I didn’t have anything to say. While that’s partially true, the whole truth is that I didn’t want to say anything.

I didn’t want him to know what I was doing. I didn’t want him to know where I was, or what plans my friends and I had, or what I was interested in. I wanted him gone. And now, he is. It’s been almost a year, and I’ve had a lot of time to think about what went on that summer. Although 10 months have passed since he started to change, and it’s been about six months since we’ve heard from him, that was the summer from hell: and I still don’t know if I’ve forgiven him for it.

I want to preface this by saying: this person was not a romantic partner of mine or any of my family members. This post also contains privacy restrictions so certain people will not know it has been posted. If you can see it, congratulations, you passed. I absolutely WILL NOT reveal my relationship to this person in this post. His name will not be mentioned, his identity will not be revealed at any point during this post.

He started to change in late April, early May. At first, we made jokes: he just had weird quirks. That was all. Right?

Sheldon Nope GIF - Sheldon Nope - Discover & Share GIFs | Nope gif ...

Oh girl, that is not right.

About a month later, things got bad: It started the morning when he showed up at my house unannounced for the first time. He stormed in the door, screamed incoherently for ten minutes, and then bolted like nothing happened. We called him to see if he was ok, and he continued to scream incoherently for an hour. That’s when we knew this wasn’t a joke anymore.

For the rest of the summer, he continued to show up at my house unannounced. Sometimes he would go on angry rants, sometimes he would just take food from our kitchen or pantry and leave. We later found out he had been stealing food from our pantry.

I spent the summer in a pitch black house at night–we couldn’t make it look like we were home, or he would pound on the door until we answered and let him in. There was one night when I was home alone, I took a shower in a pitch black, silent house for fear that he would see the lights on and barge in the front door. One time, he showed up to my house unannounced, and though I never saw him because my mom managed to keep him in the front yard, I crawled under my blankets and cried, clutching the pepper spray I had purchased from a nearby hardware store and praying he wouldn’t come in the house. I could hear his voice through my open window–that voice I once knew so well. The voice of someone I trusted.

Being afraid of someone you trust is a scary thing. This person had been in my life for years–he knew me, he knew my family. He was my friend. I had no issues with him. None. And then one day, that all changed, and I was terrified of him. I’d see a car the same color as his while driving and have to pull over and cry. Even if it wasn’t him. One time, it was him. He simply waved from inside his car, and I whipped onto the nearest empty street and immediately burst into tears, screaming at no one in particular that I was just so, so sick of running from him. There was nothing I could do–he knew where I lived, he knew where I worked, he knew my friends…I felt like I was being hunted in my own hometown.

Even when I did build up the courage to leave my hometown with my friends, I was constantly looking over my shoulder. Had he somehow figured out that I had left town and followed me? I started bringing pepper spray everywhere I went. I slept with it on my bedside table, and my beating stick (don’t ask) next to me. He was stealing food, who’s to say he wouldn’t steal a house key? He was posting videos on Snapchat of him talking to himself or driving at 110mph down city streets, where the speed limit is a weak 25mph. He had finally broken.

Then came the day he tried to follow me to work. Two hours after he checked himself out of the psych ward.

He knew my work schedule–he knew I worked at 4pm on Wednesdays that particular summer. He also knew I was home alone…and he showed up at my house anyway.

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I did the only thing I could think to do: I grabbed my mom’s car keys and bolted out the front door, making sure to lock it, because where I was going, I had to leave my dog behind.

I barely made it into the car before he knocked on the window.

Where are you going?” He asked.

I have to go.” I replied, near tears.

Where are you going, though? Can I come with you? I’ll go with you. We can go together.”

I have to go.” 

Are you going to work?”

“I have to go now.”

You’re going to work, aren’t you? I’ll go, too. I’ll see you at your work.”

And then I did a very stupid thing. I drove to work.

I ran in the door, and my friend happened to be standing at the host desk, where I was supposed to be in just an hour. She couldn’t even get a word out before I blurted out through tears, “He came to my house.” My friend’s face turned white. She knew I was home alone. She knew what he had been doing. She knew this was bad.

When my boss saw me sobbing, dressed in fancy office clothes from my internship at a law firm (I didn’t even have time to change before I had to run out of the house), he took me into the back office, and I told him everything: I was being followed, and I was scared shitless.

My boss was very understanding–he assured me that this person would not be allowed in the restaurant, and if he did come, he would be escorted out almost immediately. I was sent home for my own safety. My friend came with me so I wouldn’t be alone.

I went to the police the next day. And I sobbed the whole time as I told them everything. I told them his name, his birthday, what kind of car he drove, a physical description…I gave them every piece of information about him that I had.

And he still kept coming.

Lots of other things happened with him between the first time he barged into my house and the last time I saw him, but this would be a real long post if I mentioned everything. It’s already ungodly long. I will say, after he started threatening people (myself included), I ended up going to the police one more time.

And then, in August, he disappeared.

I haven’t seen or heard from him since that summer. Neither has anyone else. He disappeared. I was relieved when he stopped showing up, but also…conflicted. Disclaimer: We know he is alive and safe. 

I had trusted this person. I had known him for years. I watched him grieve the death of his father–hell, grieved the death of his father. And with the flick of a switch, I was terrified of him.

Do I miss him? Yes and no. I miss who he used to be–the guy he was before all of this. I don’t miss who he became. Do I still have a moment of panic when I see a car the same color as his? You’re damn right I do–someone at my school had the same car as him, and every time I saw it, my heart stopped. I couldn’t even park next to it for the irrational fear that it might actually be his car. I was, and still am, afraid of him. Which leads me to the question….

Do I forgive him?

That’s a post for another time, because I still don’t have the goddamn answer.

Be well, squadlings.

So, Here’s What’s Happening

Greetings, squadlings!

Apparently, as WordPress has just notified me, it’s been three years since I started this blog. Of course, I didn’t post anything on it for a million years, but I guess it’s been active for three years. Yeehaw!

Anyway, as all of you know, I’ve been in crisis mode recently because I’ve had no idea where I’m going to school next year. Well, we finally have an answer.Image result for marvel screaming gif

I’m going to the university back home.

But wait, I got denied twice. How does that work?

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Well, squadlings, the university back in my hometown has something called a Special Student: you can go to the university for one semester. So, as of now, that’s my plan. I’m going to be going to the university back in my hometown for one semester, and then hopefully I’ll get in for good in the spring, AKA the semester I should be graduating, but we all know that’s not going to happen.

So, now that I have a job back home (dog daycare, HOLLA) and I’m wrapping up finals in two weeks, looks like I won’t be coming back to my current city for a while. Which sucks, but it is what it is.

Also, I turn 21 next Tuesday. The week before finals. So there’s that.

Be well, squadlings.

A Morning In The Life of Endometriosis

Greetings, squadlings!

A warning to the men who read this blog (if there even are any besides my stepdad): Endometriosis is a lady problem. It involves the uterus. Cuz y’all are so damn fragile, I felt the need to put this here. 

A side note to anyone else: I know this is a different type of post for me. I’ve talked openly about my bouts with anxiety and mental breakdowns, but never really anything physical. So, here it is, folks: I have Endometriosis. I was diagnosed in March. There’s a cyst on my left ovary. If it’s not gone in ten weeks, I may need surgery. Why I’m telling you all of this, I have no idea.

You’re probably wondering why I titled this post “A Morning In The Life of Endometriosis” instead of “A Morning In The Life of Someone With Endometriosis.” Well, to be honest, you aren’t really a person when Endo pain hits. You’re just a bundle of cells who can’t move. When Endo pain hits, you BECOME Endo.

Monday, 10:58PM–

The headache starts. Not a normal headache. A headache that’s your body’s way of saying “LOL, you’re screwed.” I know what’s coming in the morning. This should be fun. 

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Tuesday, 5:42AM–

I wake up to a pain on my left side. It’s not terrible, just a dull ache. It’s starting. Awesome. 

Tuesday, 8:34AM–

I give up and finally get up and get ready for class. The second my feet hit the floor, the back pain starts. I have to lean back against my bed to steady myself before I get up and get dressed.

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Tuesday, 9:02AM–

I’m on the bus when the nausea starts. You know the feeling; you feel cold, starting in your feet and running up the rest of your body. Oh yes.

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Tuesday, 9:12AM–

The bus arrives at school. I stand up out of my seat and the pain hits. It’s bad. I take a deep breath and step off the bus. I can’t miss class.

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Tuesday, 9:16AM–

After taking the elevator up one floor, I collapse onto a bench in the hallway. The pain is excruciating now. I try to get up to go to my 9:30 class, just four classrooms down the hall, and I can’t. 

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Tuesday, 9:26AM–

I manage to drag myself to a bathroom, where I try to compose myself before going to class. It doesn’t work. Defeated, I pull out my phone and check the city bus tracker. It’s almost to campus. I grab my backpack off the floor and waddle down the hallway. I contemplate taking a painkiller, but I know it won’t work.

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Tuesday, 9:28AM–

I call my mom on my way to the bus stop. I’m dragging myself down the stairs, trying to make it to the bus stop before the bus leaves and I have to wait another 20 minutes. I tell my mom I can barely stand and I need to go back to my apartment. She doesn’t have much of a reaction: she feels bad, but there’s nothing she can do.

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Tuesday, 9:42AM–

The bus pulls up to my apartment complex, and I haul ass to my room. I refill my water bottle in the kitchen and dive into bed, wrapping myself in as many blankets as tightly as possible to maybe cut off the pain. I message a friend of mine, who was diagnosed with Endometriosis just yesterday. She’s the only person who will ever understand how bad this pain really is. 

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So now, here we are. 10:30AM on Tuesday, and I’m laying in bed. My back is killing me, my cramps are horrible, and there’s a pain so sharp in my stomach it might as well be a knife. No amount of Ibuprofen or Tylenol could ever dull the pain I’m in. All I can do is wait for it to pass, and hope it does soon.

If anyone needs me, I’ll be watching Marvel films in bed all day.

Be well, squadlings.


Well…That Sucks.

Greetings, squadlings! 

I know, I’m terrible. I haven’t posted in a very long time. I suck.

I’m back at school now, after a crappy round of midterms and a dog-filled spring break. 54 days until the last day of school, but who’s counting?

Guess what, squadlings?

As of right now, I have absolutely no idea where I’m going to school next year.

I know I mentioned in a previous post that I was going back to community college. WELL, I talked to an advisor at said community college, and she told me since I’ve already taken upper level courses and the community college doesn’t offer upper level courses, there’s absolutely no reason for me to go back. She said it would be a huge step down.

So that’s fun.

I reapplied to the university back home, but that’s a long story. I’m expecting another denial, to be honest, so as of right now, I have no idea where I’m going to school next year.

I’ll keep you updated, squadlings.

Oh Boy…

Greetings, squadlings.

This is not a post I am looking forward to making. This is by no means something I am proud of, but it’s something I have to do.

I’m going back to community college.

I know. I hate myself.

Moving three hours from home was a huge jump for me. It was something I was proud of myself for doing, something I thought I could do. And I can’t. And it sucks.

I’ve loved the time I’ve spent at my university, and most of the people I’ve met along the way. But I can’t stay here anymore. I can’t take the mental breakdowns when I realize I’m going to be here for more than four days at a time, the cost of tuition as well as housing, and driving home every single weekend. I just can’t do it anymore.

I spent all of last week laying in bed, watching Grey’s Anatomy, and hating every minute of being alive. I think I went to two classes last week. I was too miserable to even get out of bed, and I don’t even know why.

When I went home this past weekend and realized I was going to be coming back for ten days instead of my usual four (I have to work this weekend), I realized something else: I don’t want to be here anymore. I love it and I hate it here.

Knowing full well I was going to get rejected from the university in my hometown and still being so upset when I got rejected was the tipping point for me in realizing that maybe I don’t love my university as much as I thought I did. Because of that, I’m going home at the end of this semester, and I’m not coming back. I’m going back to my community college, in another desperate attempt to get to the university I should’ve gone to in the first place.

That being said, I don’t regret coming to my current university. Sure, I had more roommate problems than the average person last semester, but I also made a lot of friends, especially my current roommates, who I’ll love for the rest of my life.

I hate myself for this. I hate myself for it because, for nineteen years, I desperately tried to get out of my hometown and come to my current university. Now that I’m here, I’m desperate to get back to the town I spent nineteen years trying to leave. It’s absolutely pathetic, I know, but I can’t do it anymore.

I’m going to go slam my head in a car door now.

Be well, squadlings.

I Messed Up…

Greetings, squadlings!

Well, safe to say I screwed up pretty good, kids.

As you all know, I tried to transfer back to the university in my hometown as opposed to the school I go to now, three hours from home. I didn’t get in.

Well, kids, I’m going to apply again.

Yes, yes, I know, that’s probably the stupidest thing I could do as a junior. But I’m stupid.

Stupid is as stupid does: not many of the classes I’ve taken here transfer back home. In fact, so far, I’ve only seen three of them.

I’m screwed.

So, now, my options are to stay at my current school, three hours from home, continue to go home every weekend and be a miserable piece of crap, OR waste all that money and go home, and be poor and miserable. Either way, I’m screwed.

So, yes, let’s follow me on the demise of everything good in my life, shall we?

Until we meet again, squadlings.


Movin’ On.

Greetings, squadlings!

So, yes, I was rejected from the university back in my hometown. Yes, it stung. I wanted to go home. I love my current university, but I wanted to go home.

Well, shit happens, and I can’t.

So here we are: Two weeks left in my second semester at my current university. I’m going to be stuck here for a while, if I even work up the effort to apply for the university back home again. So we’ll see.

I do love my current university, I really do. I just don’t love the location: I thought I was ready to move three hours from home, and I wasn’t. I was super bummed when I didn’t get into the school back home, but shit happens. Such is life.

As I said, shit happens. If I have to stay here, then I have to stay here. It’s not the end of the world. I don’t have a crazy roommate anymore, I have three great roommates. I don’t live in a crappy dorm anymore, I live in a nice apartment. Yeah, my dogs aren’t here, my brothers and sisters aren’t here, and nor is my best friend here, but again, such is life.

I’ll be fine, squadlings.

At this point, I’m just ready for this semester to be over. I’m finished with finals on Wednesday the 20th, so I’ll be out of here then.

Be well, my squadlings.


Greetings, squadlings!

As you all know, I applied to the university in my hometown in an attempt to transfer back home.

Well, about ten minutes ago, I found out I didn’t get in.

I don’t know why I’m so upset, honestly. I saw this coming, but reading that letter saying I didn’t get in was a killer. I wanted to come home. And now I can’t.

I really don’t know what else to say.

Be well, squadlings.