Which Brings Us Back to Study Abroad…

Well, here we are again. Another post about the possibility of studying abroad.

My best friend from college, Era, and I are both very interested in studying abroad. We even found a decently-priced program outside of our college that could take us where we want to go.


But, of course, Era and I are different people. Meaning, we want to go to different places. 

Era wants to study in Germany, I want to study in London. Which brings me back to this post. I want to study abroad. I don’t know if I could study abroad alone. 


The program we looked at will take students abroad for six weeks for a pretty decent price. When you think about it, six weeks isn’t long at all. But, then again, when you think about it with an anxiety-ridden mind, six weeks is a long time. 

Most people I’ve talked to have said studying abroad was the best decision they’ve ever made. I want to be able to experience that. However, there’s a part of me that thinks I might lose my shit once I get overseas.

So, naturally, I’m going to sit here and slam my head against a wall until I figure out what to do.


Wish me luck, squadlings!



What to do When Your Best Friend Moves Across the World: Cry A Lot

Happy New Year, squadlings!

Of course, the New Year isn’t so happy for ME right about now. It’s January 1st, meaning today is the day when my 19-year-old cousin, who is also one of my best friends, moves to London for six months with a study abroad program from her school. Cue hardcore sobs right…NOW.


Today marks the beginning of six months without my best friend. I don’t know how I’m going to take that.

My cousin, let’s call her Beth, goes to college in a different state with an hour time difference. That’s fine, that’s not much of a gap. But London, compared to good ol’ Wisconsin, is a six hour time gap. hillary-duff

It’s also in a different COUNTRY, meaning I had to download an app just so I can text her. Our group text message with her, our friend Ari, and Beth’s sister is going to have to go on hold for a while, as Beth can’t send us messages from that number anymore.

So, what do you do when your best friend moves across the world for school? Well, you can lay in bed and listen to sad songs and cry all day, which is exactly what I plan to do. tumblr_lr1bscvwfo1qf924co2_250

Don’t get me wrong: I’m so excited for Beth to be going to London like this. And hey, if I go to London this summer, maybe she can tell me all the cool places she went. My point is, I’ve never had my best friend leave the country for six months. It’s going to be hard to adjust to, but eventually, once we get the hang of it, I think it will be so cool to learn about all the cool stuff Beth is doing overseas!


Until we meet again, squadlings.