Post-surgery, Pre-senior year (round 1)

Greetings, squadlings!

A few life updates for y’all, as if anyone cares.

I’ve officially returned to work after my endometriosis/ovarian cyst excision surgery. Surgery went well, my incisions (four of them) are healing well, and life is getting back to normal.

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My coworkers and my bosses have been great about my surgery and my recovery, have been helping me out at work when I need it, and been letting me take breaks if I need them. I really appreciate that from them. LOVE U VINTAGE FAM.

Apart from surgery recovery, yesterday was my first day of my senior year of college…kind of.

Credit-wise, I’m still a junior in college, though I’m in my fourth year. I know, it sucks. I’m gonna be victory-lapping it just like my older brother and sister.

I’m also not back at my university, which sucks. Seeing all my friends move in and knowing I wasn’t going with them was really hard.

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I’m back to my roots, though: I’m enrolled in four classes at my former community college and one at a university an hour away from my house. So we’ll see how this goes.

Until then, be well, squadlings.

Why I Left

Greetings, squadlings!

A question I’ve been asked a lot recently is “If you loved your university so much, why did you leave?” Believe me, squadlings, it wasn’t an easy decision to make.

Yes, I loved my university. I loved the campus, the city, and all my friends. I loved the sense of independence I had when I was on my own. I loved my roommates, my apartment, the river…I loved it all. Which is why it broke my heart when I had to leave.

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I hate myself so much for that gif. Sorry, Majri.

I left for a number of reasons. I thought I could be three hours from home, and I couldn’t. As much as I loved it, I was miserable. That sounds strange, loving your environment and being miserable at the same time, but it’s true: I loved where I was, and I hated it. I hated that I was so far from my family, my friends back home, and the only life I’d ever known. Pathetic, I know, but I was miserable. It’s hard to explain.

My health was also deteriorating, too. I’m 21, but I have the body of a 90-year-old man. I realized that, as hard as it was going to be, I needed to be closer to my doctors. Before I was diagnosed with Endometriosis, I was terrified. I had no idea what was happening to me, and I was three hours from home. Even after I was diagnosed, before it was confirmed that I would need surgery, I walked around terrified that I would have a flare so bad I would need to go to the hospital. Luckily, that never happened, but I was constantly so scared that it would. I needed to be back with health professionals who knew what was going on with me, and could help me if need be.

There are a lot of reasons why I left, and there are also a lot of reasons why I hate myself for leaving.

Honestly, I feel like a failure. I know I’m not, and that’s a ridiculous thought, but for some reason, every time I think of not going back to my university, I feel like I just made the biggest mistake of my life. Maybe I did. But it needed to happen.Image result for i just made a huge mistake

And then there was the university in my hometown screwing me over. Twice.

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But that’s a story for a different post.

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Sorry for the gifs. I’m feelin’ it.

I’ve officially determined where I’m going to school this year: I’m doing a mixture of online and in-person classes at the university an hour from my house, where my older sister also goes.

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Am I thrilled about it? No. I got the acceptance letter and felt absolutely nothing. Does that make me a terrible person?

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Alright, I’m done with the gifs.

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Alright, now I’m done.

Be well, squadlings.

Life Updates As If Anyone Cares

Greetings, squadlings!

I apologize for the lack of writing recently. I’ve been working on my two summer classes (college algebra and American Sign Language Level 3, ugh) and working at my job.

My job is going well! I really like my coworkers and I get to eat tater tots more often than not.

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I did not make that gif, though I wish I had.

Classes are…classes. I like knowing Sign Language, but WHY IS IT SO HARD TO LEARN? I’m not smart enough for this. And, as always, math makes me want to die.

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Image result for i hate math gif

Now, for the big news…..

I’m having surgery on August 2nd. 

As y’all know, I have endometriosis. It’s a swell time.

Well, it’s time for Oscar the ovarian cyst to be evicted for good. So on August 2nd, he dies. Rest in peace, comrade.

So that’s my life. It’s not exciting in the least, hence why I haven’t been writing.

Wish me luck, squadlings!

Spring Break Updates

Greetings, squadlings.

If you’re wondering why I haven’t posted recently, it’s because on Wednesday, I had my wisdom teeth removed. All four of them. LITERAL HELL.

I knew the recovery was going to be rough, but I didn’t expect it to be as bad as it was. Right after I woke up from the surgery, of course, I felt nothing, but I did end up crying over mashed potatoes. Don’t do drugs, kids.

Loads of painkillers, lots of sleep, and one season of Friends on Netflix later, and it’s Saturday. I’m still swollen and in pain, although the pain isn’t unbearable anymore. I’ve also become a master at talking with my mouth closed, because I still can’t open my mouth without excruciating pain. To give you an idea of what I look like, it’s something like this:



Aside from being a human chipmunk, I’ve basically just been sleeping all break, considering I can’t go to work looking like this.

The viral video of my dad, which you can read about here, peaked at about four million views before it died down. Thank god that’s over.

My sister is in Italy for Spring Break, and should be heading to Greece soon. She promised she’d bring me a bobblehead of the Pope. We’ll see.

Other than that, I’m pretty much just basking in my own misery.

I start school again on Tuesday. Pray for me.

Until we meet again, squadlings.